Treasures of the Heart

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jared's Mission Call

It came! Jared's mission call to South Africa - Johannesburg!
He reports didrectly to the MTC in Johannesburg December 10!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

41 years together - so worth it!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Joe

Happy Birthday to our dear son, Joseph, who has always tackled life with impetuous enthusiasm. He is like his Grandpa Sevey as he searches for answers to questions and defends his beliefs fervently. He is like his Great Grandpa Joe Chesley with a great sense of humor and a love for jokes. He is like his Opa Bielefeldt with a kind and generous heart. We send him love and joy on this special day.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

God Bless America

Marty and I enjoyed watching the Rockin' R Ranch Fireworks from our balcony. We feel so blessed to live in this great land of liberty. May we all unite our prayers for God to bless America through the trials ahead.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Key to Happiness

We send our love to all our dear children and their spouses and our precious grandchildren. We have found the key to joy and are delighted to share with each of you the key which opens the greatest treasure of life - "happiness and peace in daily living" - This key only works to open this sought after treasure when we notice the little positive details of the people we love or want to love with gratitude. The bonus is that when we also notice little positive details of daily living with gratitude our hearts swell with more joy than we can contain. This key is very simple, but when used with determined effort, then all our prayers can and will be answered. It is worth it to guard this key and use it diligently.

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We baked yummy apples on the coals