Treasures of the Heart

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Miracle Desk

I have so yearned for a nice little desk instead of the card table we use. Today I happened to notice someone from the apartments here taking out this old desk to the garbage. Dearheart willingly hurried out to rescue it and then worked to revive it. It really looked like a pile of junk, but look at it now! It is truly an antique of good quality mahogany that needed glue and other repair. Hooray for miracles!!!

Making Jam

I paid quite a bit for homemade jam in some local places, but decided to make my own today with strawberries from Costco and fresh peaches from the local markets. I added honey instead of sugar for a delicious flavor. The honey is my Christmas present given to me early by my mother. ;)

A Day to Explore

What a lovely day (only 103 degrees with high humidity) as long as we travel in the air conditioned car or stay inside an air conditioned building!  Even so, we did picnic at the lake where the breezes kept us cool until we decided to walk the path. We lasted about 15 minutes when we understood what all the Omaha people have been explaining to us about Nebraska heat. For more pictures check out Trails of Faith.

Blog Archive

We baked yummy apples on the coals