This year our family has decided to do an old-fashioned, handcrafted Christmas. At first it felt pretty challenging, but it also felt very necessary and actually most of our family will be creating their own personal ideas for gifting. We are also working on simplifying the season which is easier when there is not a concentration on shopping. We are all trying to give more with less. This is becoming a really fun family project. There will be more posts later on the subject.
Jared had his wisdom teeth extracted on Wednesday in preparation for his mission. When it was time to leave Jared just did not want to get out of his chair, but with help we managed to get him to wobble out to the car taking giant shaky steps, all the while grinning like a silly goose, eyes closed the entire time. They told me he was one of the funniest patients they had and that it's best if he doesn't get into drinking, which thankfully will not be a problem with this guy. Thankfully, when I arrived home with Jared, his friend Jenny was there to help me get him in the house and he barely made it to the couch as he kept trying to lay down on nothing. Of course he was completely babied and cared for using ice packs and sleeping all day long. Amazingly enough, today he is quite lucid and even did some Christmas decorating in his room. He wasn't very hungry yesterday, but today cannot get enough food to satisfy as it has to be soft. He's not much in the mood for ice cream, just wants steak and potatoes, but that will have to wait. I'm convinced Dr. Boyse is highly skilled as Jared's recovery is so quick.
Jared does look rather like a chipmunk
Uncle Joe would rather hold Alice than eat cake!
It looks yummy - can we have some too??
It's my birthday and I'll have as big a bite as I want!!!
As part of Eric's birthday gift, I prepared dinner since Rebecca has given birth so recently to their little angel, Alice. I actually made a delicious cake using Marsie's "the best chocolate cake ever" recipe. It really was the best chocolate cake ever, and unlike all the cakes I made for so many years that flopped, this one actually stayed up like a cake is supposed to do. I created a whipped cream topping with a little powdered sugar, chocolate, cinnamon and vanilla added. The leaf is a real autumn leaf from Payson area. However, true to form, my chocolate chips were not neatly placed on top so the cake does not look professional. Oh, well, it was delicious if I do say so myself.
The potato salad is my own usual creation of potatoes, boiled eggs, green onions, celery, sweet pickle relish, and a dressing which included mayonaise, mustard, pickle juice, a squeeze of lemon juice, salt and spicy dash. The meat is pulled pork which I simmered all day with seasoning, garden herbs, etc. The pork was served with Joe's barbeque sauce (from Joe's Barbeque and Grill) on wonderful wheat buns from Trader Joe's.
What a beautiful young family - a baby brings such joy!
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the 18 ...
A Year of Memories
*Happy New Year 2012*
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through Sedona ...
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Joy of ...
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from ...
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