Treasures of the Heart

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Little Children

All my little children are grown up now and the pattering of little feet only comes when the grandchildren come to visit -- the coloring or original art all over the walls has ceased mostly, unless a grandchild happens to find a crayon - which isn't very often -- the strange assortment of treasures under the beds have vanished forever -- there are no more unmade beds and piles of broken toys and dolls scattered through the house -- there are no more barefoot children, except when the grandchildren come --the piles of laundry are now in their own homes as they are mothers and fathers with the same challenges I had. I now have plenty of quiet time to be creative, to read, to write, to meditate....Bring on the grandchildren!!!

Happy Mother's Day to the lovely mother's of my grandchildren!!

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